Shell Pension wins the Pension Pro Award in Communication

Shell Pension has won the 2022 Pension Pro Award in the Communication category. The judging panel was impressed by the communication to members: “Innovative and from the members’ point of view: it is impressive how much work has been done to make pensions accessible.”

Pensions made accessible and understandable
Although the various Shell Pension schemes have achieved excellent financial results, the panel finds they stand out, above all, for their innovative communication, which makes pensions accessible and understandable to members. Solid and progressive, according to the expert panel. “At Shell, for instance, even the pension regulations – notoriously heavy reading – become a pleasure to read and e-learnings help make pensions understandable in a very user-friendly way.” This is a boost for pension provider APS, which supports Shell Pension in several ways, including advising on and carrying out pension communication to members.

Distinguished by its financial position and communication from the members’ perspective
“The SSPF and SNPS pension funds and their Shell Pensioenbureau Nederland provide the pension and defined contribution schemes for over 41,000 current and former Shell employees. The funds achieve excellent financial results in doing so. SSPF had a coverage of over 144% at the end of August. But besides a solid financial position, the Shell funds stand out, above all, because they take the perspective of their members into account. Progressive, both in terms of its schemes (Shell developed a defined contribution scheme very early on) and in terms of communication to its members,” is the panel’s opinion. “Innovative and from the members’ point of view: it is impressive how much work has been done to make pensions accessible.”

Accessible regulations SSPF

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