New: Own it magazine

Maybe getting rich isn't your ultimate goal, but living a carefree life without having to worry about money is quite nice. But where to start? What do you need to achieve this? And how do you get a more solid grip on your financial future?

Own it magazine increases your financial knowledge and awareness
With stories from (ex) colleagues, experts and pioneers in finance. Tips and possible pitfalls are shared about the moment you will no longer have to work. In actual fact: it is all about your pension. Have matters been arranged properly? Or can you plan your future even better? You can read all about it in Own it!

For whom is Own it magazine?
Own it is aimed both at participants still employed by Shell as well as at participants who have left Shell, but are not yet retired. They receive the magazine in December. Participants living abroad may receive the magazine somewhat later. If you live outside of Europe, you will soon receive the magazine online. Or you can start reading it now by clicking on the button below. Happy reading!

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taking a selfie