Coming soon: How do you feel about risk?

Here at SSPF, the pension scheme for participants who joined Shell before 1 July 2013, we continually strive to improve our services and ensure you can rely on a solid future for your pension. A new pension system is set to be introduced in the Netherlands soon and will have consequences for Shell’s pension funds. Given this imminent change - and its specifics, which will depend on the choices that Shell Netherlands and the Central Works Council (COR) make - your input will be invaluable.

Your input matters
Investment policy will be an important aspect of the new pension scheme. We need your help to make sure this policy is the best possible reflection of what our participants want. That’s why we are inviting you to take part in our risk appetite survey. Your opinions and preferences will enable us to identify the best way for us as a fund to respond to our participants’ wishes and needs. The survey will give us an insight into your risk preferences and provide us with input for the development of investment policy.

Have any decisions been made about the new scheme yet?
It’s important to stress that the exact specifics of the new scheme will depend on the choices that Shell Netherlands and the COR make. We expect to know more about these choices before summer 2024.

What can I do?
You will shortly be contacted by Ipsos, a renowned, independent research agency, by e-mail ( or post. It will conduct the survey and ensure the results are objective and reliable. We hope you will be willing to take part in this important survey. Your anonymous input will be invaluable!