Announcement VOOROP

As part of our commitment to independent representation for today's and tomorrow's pension beneficiaries, the Shell Pension Fund Foundation (SSPF) would like to inform you about the establishment of Vereniging Onze Opgebouwde Rechten Op Pensioen (VOOROP).

VOOROP was founded in April 2024. The exclusive purpose of this independent representative is to serve the interests of participants affiliated with SSPF, and as such, is an association of pension beneficiaries and former participants as referred to in sections 115h and 150g (2) of the Pensions Act. VOOROP's objective is to preserve the value-consistent pension rights currently in place at SSPF. You can find further information about VOOROP at

Contact information:
Vereniging Onze Opgebouwde Rechten op Pensioen
Veldakkers 23
9531 HL Borger

You have received this message because VOOROP has asked SSPF to bring the association to the attention of pension beneficiaries and former participants of the pension fund. SSPF is required under the Pensions Act to honour this request.