Shell Pension wins PensioenWegwijzer award 2024

Shell Pension has won this year’s PensioenWegwijzer Publieksprijs, now its third win!

The Money Wise platform presents this award every year to initiatives that help people increase their understanding of pensions and take action. Shell Pension has won this award for the platform Own it! which is targeted at our female participants.

Earlier this year, Shell Pension was named ‘Pension Fund of the Year 2024’ at the Pension Pro Awards ceremony and we also won the Pension Pro Communication Award.

Shell Pension wins thanks to innovative communication.
Designed specifically for women, Shell Pension has developed the multimedia platform Own it! The aim is to instill curiosity and raise awareness on the subject of pensions. Own it! offers information that resonates more effectively with women and encourages them to take charge.

A targeted approach to pension communication that works.
Research has shown that women are less responsive to the pension information they receive. This insight prompted us to develop the Own it! platform. Featuring a magazine, videos, quizzes and master classes. Shell Pension is offering pension information in an innovative way that truly appeals to female participants. And with success!