Complaints and disputes procedure

We always do everything we can to make sure you receive a good level of service from us. However, if you are ever unhappy, we will work with you to find a solution. Although we will often be able to help you straight away, there may be occasions when we need more time. Read on to find out which options you have, what you can expect from us and what you can do if you don’t agree with our solution.


There are various ways for you to do this:

• Send us a message via our contact form
 - Include your date of birth and telephone number.
 - You will receive a confirmation of receipt straight away.

• Call us: +31 (0)88 462 34 56
 - You can call us between 8.30 and 17.00 hours on working days.
 - We will send you a confirmation of the conversation we had with each other.

• Write a letter
 - Shell Pensioen
   P.O. Box 35
   7300 AA Apeldoorn
 - Include your date of birth, telephone number and (optional) your e-mail address.
 - You will receive a confirmation of receipt from us.

We’ll get back to you within 2 weeks

• We will contact you by telephone within 5 days of receiving your message or letter.
• We will have a solution for you within 2 weeks of receiving your complaint. If we need more time, we will let you know as soon as possible.
• If we need more information, we will request it from you and also indicate when you can expect an answer from us.

Read our full complaints and disputes procedure

We will get back to you within 4 weeks

• If you do not agree with our solution, you can submit an objection to the Board of Shell Pension within 4 weeks. There are various ways for you to do this:

 - Send us a message via our contact form
Include your date of birth and telephone number.
 - Call us: +31 (0)88 462 34 56
 - Write a letter:
    Shell Pensioenfondsen
    Attn. The Board
    P.O. Box 65
    2501 CB The Hague

• We will send you a confirmation of receipt. Our solution will follow within 4 weeks.
• If the Board needs more information, it will request this from you and also indicate when you can expect an answer from us.

If you have not received a solution within 10 weeks or if you do not agree with our solution

When you have fully completed the 3 steps of the internal complaints procedure above, you can take further steps. You can then request mediation or advice free of charge from the Geschilleninstantie Pensioenfondsen (a dispute-settlement body for pension funds).

But also: if completing the internal complaints procedure takes longer than 10 weeks or longer than 12 weeks after submitting the complaint, you can go directly to the Geschilleninstantie Pensioenfondsen.

You can always submit the complaint to the court. Please be aware that this involves costs.

For more information about this and the relevant contact details, see

Above you find which options you have if you are not satisfied about something and what you can do if you don’t agree with our solution. But when is something formally regarded as a complaint and when as a dispute? Below you find the definitions we use:

• Complaint: any expression of dissatisfaction addressed by a stakeholder to the pension fund. Consider, for example, an individual matter about your pension entitlement or the amount of your benefit.

• Escalated complaint: a complaint that has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the stakeholder by Achmea Pensioenservices in the first step of the process and for which the board, with the possible support of the management of Shell Pensioenbureau Nederland, will make a decision in the second step.

• Dispute: a dispute may arise from the complete or partial rejection of an (escalated) complaint concerning the execution of the pension regulations by the pension fund or if an (escalated) complaint has not been settled within the set time limit.

You can also find this in our full complaints and disputes procedure (pdf).


Complaints and disputes